Glory to Glory

“And he said, please show me Your Glory”
(Exodus 33:18).

Look around you. What do you see? Better yet, what would you like to see? We are all searching for something. There is a longing within us all that can only be satisfied by the Lord. That’s the way we are because that is the way God made us. He designed us to desire Him. And no amount of money, power or prestige can plug the hole in our hearts that were specifically designed for Him to fill.

Moses understood this truth all too well. He was the leader of a great nation, and someone that the people looked to in admiration. He led his people to victory in many military campaigns and was celebrated for his achievements. Yet, these accolades and achievements were not enough to sustain him. Moses seemed to have a one-track mind and a constant heart craving for God. He spent much of his time seeking communion with his Creator. His heart hungered for God’s presence. The cravings became so intense that he posed what seemed to be an impossible question to the Lord. “And he said, please show me your Glory”, (Ex. 33:18).

What exactly was Moses asking God? What is this Glory that he needed to see? No one on Earth was closer to God than Moses at that time. So, there must have been a mild dose of disappointment when the LORD replied, “You cannot see my face”, for no one can see me and live”, (v.20). At first glance, this scripture can seem confusing because Numbers 12:8 the Bible says that God speaks to Moses “face to face”. But Moses wasn’t asking simply to see what God looked like. When he said Lord, “show me Your Glory” he was asking God for such a deep revelation of Himself that Moses would indeed die…to himself.

As we seek the Lord sincerely and pursue His heart with ours, our spirit cries out, please Lord, show me Your Glory! Our pursuit pleases God and changes us from “Glory to Glory”, (see 2 Corinthians 3:18). Seeking God’s Glory brings death to our selfish and sinful desires and conforms our character to better reflect His glorious own.

-authored by Josh York

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